HSV is the abbreviation for Human Simplex Virus, which apparently, is the most widespread sexual transmitted infection in the US. During an outbreak, the condition is most noticeable, and it can even affect the quality of life.

An outbreak is characterized by itching, blistering, burning and embarrassment.

HSV-1 and HSV-2 are the two forms of HSV. HSV-1 can cause a series of negative effects such as burning in your face and genitals, blistering and discomfort, while HSV-2 is way more painful to endure because it can spread to other parts of your body as well.

Apparently, HSV Eraser is the only solution to HSV, since this program is intended to help you get rid of the two forms of HSV in the same time and just three weeks. This program actually promises to help you heal your difficult condition.

It seems that the symptoms can appear when you are anxious or stressed out, right before a date or a significant meaning, which will make people change their opinion about you. This disease can most certainly turn you into an anti-social human being. Until now, if you went to your doctor for help, he could only prescribe you simple treatments that will slightly increase the speed of your recovery from an outbreak.

Many doctors will warn you about the fact that once you caught the virus, you can be stuck with it for the rest of your life. The HSV Eraser claims to be able to help you in this matter, by curing the virus and preventing it from returning. In just 21 days you will see no signs of the virus.

What Exactly Is HSV Eraser?

HSV Eraser in a program that promises to eliminate both versions of Human Simplex Virus in only 21 days. Until now, approximately 28,000 people have benefited from this program, and you can be the next one to enjoy its healing properties.

Those who have benefited from the program, claim that it helped eliminate their humiliating condition.

The program in available in PDF format, through the company’s official website. You only have to download it and apply the methods described in order to benefit from the results. It appears that those plans were previously submitted to extensive medical research, analysis and testing.

No Chemicals or Medications

If your primary concern is that this program is another way to stuff your body with chemicals and medications in order to obtain the desired results, you must know that there are no medications or chemicals involved to alleviate the symptoms of HSV.

The program is based on the notion that everything the human body needs is vitamins and organic compounds in order to heal itself. Moreover, it seems that this program not only helps you eliminate the herpes simplex virus from your body, but, at the same time, is an excellent method to protect your health along the way.

Is There Clinical Evidence to Back-up the Information Contained in HSV Eraser Program?

Although the program is claimed to have resulted in a 100% success rate in clinical studies, none of them are included on the official website.

It makes us think about the fact that if there really were some evidence for these ingredients, they would have posted it and then all the front-page news all around the world have published it in order to spread the word about the cure for herpes.

Moreover, it appears that HSV Eraser has almost the same storyline to other Clickbank-based e-books such as Osteoporosis Protocol, Navajo Restore My Hearing System, and many others. It basically claims that an individual mix of natural ingredients that you can buy from a grocery store can cure common problems, but the relevant information has been hushed up by one company or another.

How About the Customer Reputation of This Program?

The fact that the company claims that their program has been used by more than 27,000 people is for nothing, since there are no legitimate online customer reviews available. Instead, there are fake review websites that were created by individuals who may not even use the product but claim that in order to promote it.

However, ProjectAccept.org includes one review, where it is stated the fact that there is not a Dr. Christine Buehlern who was part of the Erase Herpes project, and that the imagine of her is actually a blogger from Romania.

HSV Eraser Pricing and Refund Policy

You can download HSV Eraser in PDF format in exchange for $39. Also, the organization behind the program claims that you can purchase all the necessary ingredients for less $100, directly from your grocery store. You have available a 60-day money back guarantee. In case you want to make a refund, contact customer service at 800-390-6035.

Can HSV Eraser Really Help You Cure Herpes?

If we consider the facts that there is no scientific proof to support the program, no online customer reviews and that the Ultimate Herpes Protocol shares the same storyline with this HSV Eraser, we’d advise saving your money for a real treatment that your physician can recommend.
