Diabazole is an all-natural supplement that claims to be a perfect mix of ingredients that can provide the users the necessary help to keep their diabetes under control and even reverse the existing damage provoked by this disease.
Diabazole promises to maintain your blood sugar under control, which means stabilizing it at a healthy level and also alleviating other symptoms of diabetes.
According to the manufacturer, their product can help you “beat diabetes naturally”, due to the natural mix of ingredients it contains. But can Diabazole really make this happen?
What Does Diabazole Contain?
In order to see if Diabazole is a legitimate product or not, we should have a look at the list of ingredients. According to the company, the product includes 100 % natural ingredients, some of them being:
- Turmeric
- Berberine
- Piperine
- Curcumin
Of the four elements presented, berberine owns the most clinical support. There is verified data according to which berberine may ” slightly reduce blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.” Some data may even refer to the fact that taking 1,000-1,500mg per day is equally effective as prescription medication.
As you probably already know, turmeric is the main ingredient in curry and according to several studies, it can reduce inflammation. Aside from this benefit, it seems that there are no other proven benefits of turmeric, especially when it comes to diabetes.
Piperine, which is also known as black pepper extract is added in Diabazole in order to help your body absorb the other ingredients of this supplement.
In conclusion, it seems that the only ingredient found in Diabazole proven to have a role in influencing diabetes is berberine.
Diabazole Side Effects
Since all Diabazole’s ingredients are natural, they all should be well tolerated by most users, although increased doses of turmeric can cause nausea, diarrhea, stomach upset and dizziness.
Also, individuals who are already controlling their blood sugar through other methods, including prescription medications, should avoid berberine.
Moreover, you should speak to your physician before taking any supplements intended to control diabetes. In this way you avoid physical harm and even death.
Who’s Behind Diabazole?
Markmann Nutraceuticals is the company that manufacturers Diabazole. It has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau that is based on no closed complaints.
The same company produces Diabacor, which is also a diabetes supplement that includes the same ingredients as Diabazole. This means these two are exactly the same product but with different labels.
In the case of Diabacor, common complaints included unpleasant customer service experiences and failure to work.
Due to such a small data pool, it does not mean that Diabazole will not deliver the promised results, although it’s very probable.
Diabazole Pricing and Refund Policy
The price for Diabazole depends very much on where you buy it. If you purchase through the long-form landing page, you will pay:
- $49.95 for 1 Bottle
- $119.90 for 2 Bottles
- $199.80 for 4 Bottles
If you decide to buy the product through the 14-day trial website, you will be charged $4.95 S&H for a 30-day supply. After the trial expires, you will be charged $89.36 for the full price of the supplement. On top of that, you will also be sent regular shipments once per month and you will pay $89.36 every time.
Diabazole comes with a 90-day refund policy, even if you send the bottle empty for a restocking fee of 10%.
If you want to make a refund, contact the customer service at 888-638-2030.
Can Diabazole Really Manage Your Blood Sugar Levels?
It seems that barberine is the only ingredient contained by Diabazole that may help you manage your blood sugar level. Also, considering the fact that the company does not present a complete list of ingredients, nor any side effects that can result, it’s better if you just buy barberine at your local pharmacy.
Based on the high price and the lack of information, it is advisable that you speak with your physician before placing an order for Diabazole.